Since 1972
The company has developed as a skilled operator since 1972.
Set up as an Individual Company by the two founders Gianluigi Merletti and his wife Narcisa. In 1995 the team expanded with the second generation, welcoming the children Sabrina and Ruggero.
The Aerospace and Defence sector is mainly committed to production and design activities, supporting the top national and international companies.
Today we are proud to serve customers throughout Italy, Europe and the United States, thanks to our consolidated know-how in the field of technologies and precision mechanical construction, coupled with maximum programming flexibity and superior product quality.
Merletti Aerospace has been certified since 1995 according to standard UNI EN ISO 9001 and from 2006 according to AS/EN 9100. In 2018 the company obtained approval in agreement with the PART 21 G regulation, being put on the list of Approved Production Companies at the European level by EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) and at the national level by ENAC (Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile) [National Civil Aviation Authority].
It holds the TULPS licence (Single Text of the law on public security) ex ART. 28 for the manufacture of material intended to equip the Armed Forces and the Police.
Merletti Aerospace is a member of AIAD (Federazione Aziende Italiane per l’Aerospazio la Difesa e la Sicurezza) [Federation of Italian Companies for Aerospace, Defence and Safety] and, from the year of its foundation in 2009, of LAC (Lombardia Aerospace Cluster) [Lombardy Aerospace Cluster], an integrated ecosystem of companies, universities and research centres with technological skills and state-of-the-art scientific know-how.

Our Commitment
Merletti Aerospace is dedicated to constant improvement and technological updating, to meet the ever more specific and detailed requirements of its customers.
The commercial activities aim to support current direct customers, national and international, who represent the fixed and rotary wing sector across the world.
We are protagonists in the complete construction of components and the vertical management of orders. Soon we hope to add new first-tier and second-tier contractors, with whom we will maintain and expand relationships and new proposals.
Passion for our work
On the basis of the original technical documentation splendidly archived by the “Gruppo Lavoratori Seniores SIAI Marchetti”, [“SIAI Marchetti Senior Workers Group”] a working group of people passionate about the aeronautical world was set up in 2015 to create a faithful reconstruction of theS55 X seaplane, a historic aircraft known for the Ten-year Atlantic Crossing of the Air Force in 1933 with the flight of 24 aircraft in formation along the route Orbetello (Gr) – New York – Chicago - Rome
This aircraft was the pride of the Italian Air Force and of Italian engineering between the two world wars. With a wingspan of 24 metres, a length of 16.50 m and two Asso 750 engines, the S55 X could travel at 282 km/h with a range of 4,500 km.
Merletti Aerospace immediately offered to assist in the historic reconstruction of this aircraft, proudly becoming its official sponsor, and so far fabricating metal engine mount supports and 2 metal variable-pitch three-bladed propellers.
At present the parts reconstructed so far are on display at the Volandia Park and Museum of Flight (next to Malpensa Airport)

Merletti Aerospace believes strongly in youth education, by training in the field. For many years we have taken part in the PMI-DAY project to present the activity of the aeronautical world to secondary school pupils.
Merletti Aerospace also collaborates with the area's technical schools (Aslam – ITS Foundation – IIS Ponti – IIS Keynes), in alternating school and work with various company internships, then taking part in the Open House-Education Day initiatives sponsored by Univa Formazione with visits to companies and/or presentations of our work at the institutes.
The company also collaborates with Milan Polytechnic, coordinating training internships and support activities for research and the development of new programmes.

Added value
Partners and Certifications